Monday 7 November 2011


So...Mall in the Hall....not a huge success. Well, not even a minor success. Looking around the small venue, I don't think anyone did really well. There was little traffic and mostly browsers.

I had a lot of fun, though! My friend and I rocked the day in style. Giggles and ridiculous faces ran rampant. I would do it again just for that.

Thanks to supportive family members (aka. ALL of them) I had lots of visitors and made more than I paid.

Still, it was not a good first experience. I was very discouraged. I had worked so hard to get ready. I had sewed and sewed. The problem was, I didn't love the pieces I was making. I was mass-producing. NOT my passion.

So here comes the encouraging part. I am excited to refocus, relax, and get back to creating pieces I love! I love getting inspired and working towards that, not struggling to push out lots of product. So.....

Working on an apron right now. It's ruffly, yellow, and beautiful. I believe there is a hint of bright orange corduroy!

Next stop, a new little girl design. Pretty pumped about this one, so stay tuned!

REMEMBER:  Barb's Country Christmas in 2 weeks. More info to come!

Saturday 29 October 2011

Mall in the Hall

I have an address!

So...Here is the info again.

Mall in the Hall
Oxford Heights Community Center
359 Dowling Ave East, Winnipeg
1:30 - 4:30

Come out!

Friday 28 October 2011

First Show

YAY! Confirmed!

Nov 5 1:30 - 4:30
Transcona Hall
"Mall in the Hall"

This is a trade and craft sale so there will be Pampered Chef, Tupperware, etc. as well as crafty things.

I EXPECT to see you all there!!!

(I realize I don't have an address for this building yet........I'll get it......I promise!)

Thursday 20 October 2011


So, evidently, when you put your heart into something and lay it out for everyone to see, you start to feel a little like you are standing naked in the middle of a shopping mall yelling, "What do you think?"

I am really not used to feeling this self-conscious about anything. Don't get me wrong, the feedback has been positive across the board, which means either my stuff is ok or none of my friends and family want to hurt my feelings. Either way, I'm happy. I just don't know how I feel about laying my heart and passion out on a table and having people walk by and make faces.

I had a friend offer to come by the sale and stand by my table and make positive comments as people walk by. "Oh wow! This stuff is amazing!" Kinda reminded me of Homer Simpson "Ah, ah, ah, ah, Table 5, Table 5!"

Homer Simpson or not, I kinda hope people come out and check out the sale. The first one should be on Nov 5 in Transcona. Haven't heard back all the details yet but I will keep you posted.

Also make sure you all check out Barb's Country Christmas in Landmark this year Nov 17 - 19 10AM to 9PM. It is always amazing!

Tuesday 11 October 2011


I don't like creating an inventory of things!

I just don't like it.

It doesn't feel like the fun, creative way I like to do things. I have to mass produce things in order to have something to show at my next sale.

So......... What will I do about this?

I think, in order to keep costs down and fun high, I will try to do more special order, less "retail".

This may result in less overall sales, but I know that each piece will be more enjoyable to make and therefore more beautiful!

Hope that's ok.

Saturday 8 October 2011

He played in the suit most of the morning......

Such a happy guy! He is excited to wear the vest for family pics today! Looking forward to seeing them!

Friday 7 October 2011

Mess of Materials

The wonderful thing about found materials is the unique aspect of the finished product. I can guarantee that no one will have the same piece as you!

The not-so-wonderful thing about them is that they create quite a mess before they become a masterpiece. My kids love to dig through all the thrift store bags and see what they can find. Today there was a special lime green treat in the bag for my little girl. Can you spot it?

Peanut Tree is waiting for confirmation for two shows/sales this November. More news will be coming soon!